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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

For this, my first blog entry, I think I'd like to just ponder on the immense historical event that took place today. Above all, I think it stands as an example of the triumph of the human spirit. Obama's election to the highest possible office in the United States obviously represents the culmination of achievement for black Americans, whose collective past is littered with the garbage of racism, bigotry, and violence. However, it also represents significant growth in white Americans as well, who chose to put aside their sometimes divisive past and refused to engage in the policies and practices of some of their forebears. I believe that President Obama's election shows that the the rift that has existed in the United States since the time of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War has been mended; a black man defeated a white man and was elected by a majority vote. The American people have today fulfilled Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream that one day his children would "not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." The dream lives and breathes in America's 44th president, Barack Obama.