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Monday, April 6, 2009

Since I generally try to ignore the Daily Universe paper these days, I don't have any new editorials or diatribes against ignorance to publish. So today, I guess I'll just do the normal blog thing and write a little bit about what's going on in my life. Where to I hate it. I can't stand it. I'm burned out and want to run away - far, far away. I tell people that I graduate in August, and they always say something like, "Wow, that's great! You can do it, you're almost there, there's light at the end of the tunnel, etc., etc., etc." It doesn't motivate me in the slightest. I am so beyond caring about school right now that I don't know if there's anything existing that could motivate me to "keep going, you're almost there" anymore.

David started work at Mt. Dell golf course today, and he's living up at our new place in Salt Lake right now while I'm still stuck in stinkin' Provo for another few weeks until the semester ends. Part of me wants it to be April 23rd already so school and finals will be over, but the other part of me counts the days between now and then and has a nigh-catatonic emotional breakdown over how much I have to do in that short, short amount of time. And yes, I am using that minute portion to write on my blog. Go figure.

At least the weather is starting to act like it's April. It's a little brisk, but sunny nonetheless. It's warmer today than it was yesterday, when my younger brother managed to get sunburned after doing some between-Conference-sessions tanning in the back yard, so I may have to pull on my swimsuit and try to put some color back into my ghostly visage.

I subscribe to another blog where the creator finds looks from J. Crew and other such expensive places and then manages to create about the same outfit for under $100. I don't want to rip off her idea, but I kind of do, actually. I like to be in style, but I'm on a married student budget where even Old Navy is stretching it. It would just be nice to know that a less expensive outfit is possible, if not yet monetarily attainable. Perhaps I'll start doing that. After I read several books and catch up on weeks-worth of reading and study for and take finals and pack the house and move to Salt Lake. Ugh.