Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, February 25, 2011

1 Month Old!

On February 24th, we celebrated Amelia's 1-month birthday! I can't believe she's been here that short of time - it feels like she's always been here. We're all still adjusting to life with a newborn (ie, interrupted sleep, increased laundry loads, and things taking a lot longer to accomplish than before), but it's been fun, and we're looking forward to continuing to watch her grow!

I got a breast pump about a week ago, and David's been enjoying being able to feed her with a bottle. I'm just jealous because it only takes him 5 minutes to feed her, and it takes me 15.

Amelia likes...
~ cuddling with Mom and Dad
~ looking at faces
~ bath time
~ her "paci"
~ listening to Mom sing songs and read Harry Potter (start 'em early! :) )
~ car rides
~ having her head stroked

Amelia does not like...
~ being awake and alone in her crib
~ having her feet touched
~ having her arms swaddled - she'll break free every time

She's a fairly mellow baby; there's not much she seriously dislikes. Except being hungry - gotta go! :)


  1. I thoroughly enjoy that you are getting her started on Harry Potter. ;-)

  2. muahaha I enjoy that as well! But Harry Potter or not I'm glad that you're reading to your baby! I wish all parents did that! :) Way to go Rachel!
